JFK's 30-year gay love affair (exaggeration): They lost their virginity together, had a secret White House bedroom… and sent erotic letters that left Jackie furious, reveals
MAUREEN CALLAHAN 12:32 EST, 26 February 2025
1 page, not posting the rest.I really never needed to know this. Why would Callahan release this before the JFK files coming out? And just after RFKjr took the Secretary Post at HHS? Did she do it to harm the whole family, or what? Personally I think this is disgusting and disrespectful of a prior President. But the Daily Mail is Murdoch owned)
Of all the secrets nurtured by John F. Kennedy, his life-long love affair with another man was arguably the most risky (she is overstating this compared to the full article). Kirk LeMoyne Billings, who went by Lem, was 16 years old when he first met Jack Kennedy, then 15. It was the fall of 1933. Both were enrolled at Choate, an elite all-boys boarding school in Connecticut.
For Lem, it was practically love at first sight.Jack Kennedy was everything he was not: roguish, charismatic, confident, effortlessly popular— not just with other students, but girls and women. In the beginning, at least,Jack didn't realize that Lem harbored romantic feelings for him.
But at some point in their friendship, Lem confessed his desires to Jack in a message scrawled on toilet paper — a common trick at Choate, so that boys could easily swallow or destroy love notes to each other.That note has been lost to history, but Jack's written response was not. 'Please don't write to me on toilet paper anymore,' Kennedy replied. 'I'm not that kind of boy.'
The realization that his new best friend was gay, however, did not deter Kennedy from maintaining a deep friendship with Lem — quite remarkable for the mores of pre-World War II America, andindicative of Kennedy's sophistication and maturity at a young age.
Jack did not worry that his peers or parents might think he, too, was gay. Perhaps the sexual perversion that infested the Kennedy family blunted that concern: Father, sons and brothers often shared the same women. Yet there was never any acknowledgment of the homoeroticism involved.
So Lem became a constant presence at the Kennedys' famed compound on Cape Cod, and Jack's forever shadow.The narcissist in Jack loved the attention, the adoration, the hero-worship that Lem showered upon him. Their classmate at Choate, Rip Horton, witnessed Lem's complete servitude.
As Horton told Kennedy chronicler Nigel Hamilton for his 1992 biography of JFK:'In Lem, Jack found a slave for life. It was amazing how Lem was abused. He did Jack's laundry. Late at night, he'd run out in the cold weather to buy a pizza. Jack's back was always hurting' — he would go on to have multiple spinal surgeries — 'and Lem became his unpaid masseur, a job he relished.'
Jack — an always sickly boy whose parents rarely hugged or kissed him, who was expected to excel at everything — found, in Lem, unconditional love and affection.Yet a part of Kennedy seemed to remain in denial about Lem's sexual orientation. Among the voluminous correspondence between them — which Billings saved, despite Jack's admonition, at the end of most missives, to 'burn this letter' — were graphic tales of sexual conquests and onanism.
In one note to Billings from 1934, sent during one of Jack's many hospital stays, he lamented that he had only masturbated twice since being admitted: 'My vitality is slowly being sapped… I'm just a shell of the former man and my penis looks as if it had been run through a ringer.' In another, Jack joked: 'The nurses are very tantalizing and I'm really the pet of the hospital… [the] nurses are almost as dirty as you, you filthy minded s**t.'
Upon his return to Choate, he wrote again to Lem: 'I still have your shaving brush, which I shall return once I get my deer-Sucker coat you slimy f. Have you laid py yet? You bitch.' Such insults were part of Jack's love language, and Billings took them as such. When Jack came up with the idea that they should lose their virginity together — Jack, again, perhaps willfully oblivious to the intrinsic homoeroticism — Billings went along. Off they travelled, from Choate, to a brothel in New York City. Jack insisted they should share the same prostitute…