So would it be
Gyorgy lost his meds and can't quite remember
So would it be
Gyorgy lost his meds and can't quite remember
Hunter Biden emails shed new light on fund securing millions from investor with alleged organized crime ties
Politics Published March 18, 2022 3:39pm EDT
Leaked Treasury Department records obtained as part of the FinCen Files revealed that Hares Youssef, a Ukrainian-Syrian businessman with alleged ties to Russian organized crime, paid mbloom — a now-defunct technology startup fund backed by Hawaii’s Strategic State Development Corporation and Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP) — nearly $3 million.
George Mesires, Biden’s attorney, told the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) in 2020 that Biden had divested himself from his holdings in RSTP before the controversial investment in late 2015.
"Mr. Biden severed his relationship with Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners prior to this transaction," Mesires said.
The transaction was flagged via a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) by the City National Bank in Los Angeles based on reports tying Youssef to Semion Mogilevich — also known as "The Brainy Don" — as well as international arms trafficking. The SAR also pointed to allegations of Youssef being tied to Syrian General Maher al-Assad, the brother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
According to the OCCRP, suspicious activity reports, or SARs, "are secret alerts issued by bank compliance officers when there are suspicions that a transaction may be linked to crime or money laundering. The existence of a SAR is not itself evidence of wrongdoing."
probably a reason the fbi didn't really want to go after SM then until the Rooskies named him 2008 time or so…
oh but there's more…
Former Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for International Law Enforcement, Jonathan M. Winer, learned in the fall 1998 from the Manhattan DA's office that “Russian organized crime figures appeared to
be utilizing off-shore money laundering mechanisms that previously had been used by cocaine traffickers”, which “involved manipulations of publicly traded stock both to defraud unwary investors, and to turn dirty money into clean money.” Taking an interest in the case Winer was briefed by British law enforcement in March 1999 on this
network that was using securities markets to launder money; they revealed to him that “Benex interested in a number of ways with the money laundering infrastructure the British were investigating.”10 Benex would also sponsor U.S. visa applications for members of the Semion Mogilevich organization, and act in
false receivable schemes with YBM Magnex in a stock fraud on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
Authorities would use a money launderer linked to the Bank of New York scandal to secure a conviction in penny stock 'Godfather' Robert E. Brennan's 2001 bankruptcy fraud trial. Peter M. Bond headed Valmet Group, a financial services company based on the Isle of Man; Bond, who laundered
$42 million for Brennan received immunity for his involvement in the Bank of New York case in return for his testimony against Brennan.
being the same Jonathan Winer of the Trump Dossier product and passing along thereof
Campbell claimed he was told by Russian nuclear executives that there was a connection between APCO’s volunteer efforts for the Clintons’ charity and work that APCO did for Tenex, the U.S. affiliate of Rosatom, Russia’s state-owned nuclear company.
Rosatom later infamously purchased Uranium One, the Canadian uranium mining company with operations in the U.S. The purchase was approved by the Obama administration in a decision that is currently being probed by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Tenex reportedly paid some $3 million to Winer’s APCO from 2010 to 2011. Circa reported that it saw the contract between Tenex and APCO, which stated the “total fee is comprised of the fixed quarterly fee which shall be $750,000 per each of the four three-month periods of rendering Services here under during the validity period of this contract, including the 18 percent Russian VAT payable in the territory of the Russian Federation.”
Attempts to reach Winer for comment were unsuccessful.
You're not supposed to act out what you read in the tranny section of the Interlinks
The Promised Land of Organized Crime
In November 1991, Chubais became a minister in the Yeltsin cabinet, where he managed the portfolio of Rosimushchestvo—the Federal Agency for State Property Management, which Yeltsin decreed to be the agency responsible for devising Russia’s privatization of the state companies. Gaidar and Chubais worked in league with George Soros, the Wall Street speculator and “colleague” of the CIA front the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Soros, in turn, brought Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs—architect of the Polish “economic shock therapy”—and other of his American “friends” to the Yeltsin circles.
George Soros and his Open Society Foundations had been linked to the CIA by Chinese intelligence and others. His Open Society institutions seemed to appear operational, of course just by coincidence, in every situation where the CIA’s NED front and the US State Department sought regime change to a pro-Washington government.
Already as far back as 1987, while Gorbachev still headed the Soviet Union, Soros took advantage of the Soviet regime’s efforts to reform by founding his Open Society Institute in Moscow. There he could give money to key researchers and others to support “market economy research.”
Berezovsky and Gusinsky, the Clinton–Summers–Harvard–Soros-backed new Russian oligarchs, fearing the loss of their stolen billions to the opposition communists, in turn formed what they called the “Group of Seven.” The group included Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Khodorkovsky, Potanin, Vinogradov, Smolensky, and Friedman. With aid the of US Madison Avenue spin doctors, the Group of Seven—which then owned the two major TV stations, with the third still state owned (i.e., Yeltsin controlled), and their control of major press—ran a US-style media campaign assault for Yeltsin’s reelection. At the same time, they blocked Zyuganov from buying media time.
It also insured that the giant Ponzi scheme would soon topple. It did, triggered by an August 1998 op-ed in the influential London Financial Times by the US hedge-fund billionaire and Russian oligarch insider George Soros. By the time of the ruble crisis of August 1998, Russian industrial output had fallen by almost half and poverty had increased from 2 percent of the population to over 40 percent. Until August 1998, the ruble was overvalued, making it impossible for domestic producers to compete with imports.
30 Days in the Hole