Notably funny, if notnotableproper
Bot or 'tard?
Press B for bot
Press T for 'tard
The DCIA has determinded your posts are unsound categorised you as an idjiit and blocked you on grinder. You feel like your shilling has been number1 ne plus ultra. What is the appeal protocol?
No appeal possible. Probability of being droned in Costco parking lot + 32000%
Star chamber of tranny IC
Lol you r filturd tor schwule
Ewww. Brother eeww.
Stop saying MSNPC it's not that funny.
As a courtesy to fellow anons remember to spoiler images of homo dick.
Sure a lot of brain blown pedo demons here. Remember to wear the armor.
Maximum panic is expressed as Pmax. At Pmax per Pavlov NPC brains when overstressed shut down to protect themselves, lose all prior conditioning and in a way, begin life anew.
So Pavlov says. Based on 30 years of studing the effect of stress on the mammalian brain.
Key point some of epsteins files will be released.
Ie idiots still playing games.