Bondi. Epstein flight logs tomorrow - Faux news
Flight logs released tomorrow -keep trying to stir it up asshole.
Good news is you ain't getting paid this month.
Demoralization shills are pretty thick.
And there's a lot of 'em right now.
Suicide Weekend coming.
..and W Edwards Deming invented Kaizen.
I wonder if the MSM will be chasing down Epstein's clients on the street to get their side of the story.
Or covering astroturf protests in Deluth.
Boy you guys really are shitting yourselves.
Can't wait to see the perverts going down hard, and not in a good way.
Have you ever met a Catholic?
Trump's Executive Prerogative.
Separation of Powers.
Courts Do Not Get To Make Policy or Create Law.
Supreme Court only gets to rule on the constitutionality of law.
Chuckie's losing it.