The Savior Legend God Messiah Buddha (Whatever Name)’s Bank Account.
There maybe some beings entities who do not like cryptocurrencies but prefer the traditional way of bank account so I The Savior want to give all the potential opportunity to all by open many international currencies bank account to receive your support or your karma.
I know many of you have read my works and have received a lot of benefits and some want to pay the money to be but could not due to lack of bank account.
Accept Financial Support To Release The Final Divine World Peace Solution. In 2025 Only.
Do Not Send Money Once The War In Ukraine, Gaza, Myanmar finish/end completely.
So here are my bank account information:
Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MBBank) .
Swift code: MSCBVNVX .
US Dollar USD
817129 Eight 366767
Pound Sterling GBP
87 NINE 3571698775
Canadian Dollar CAD
64498332 ONE 6197
New Zealand Dollar NZD
1673 TWO 78385850
Euro EUR
51454 FIVE 1552338
921342478 ZERO 326
04462471437 THREE 2
Singapore Dollar SGD
7815391989 SIX 36
Hong Kong Dollar HKD
890507 SEVEN 160882
Baht THB
6807098 FOUR 53820
Account Holder: Nam Bui
In the memo: you can write nice message and/or your state/nation, your website, your contact, your email if you want me to notice and maybe contact you in the future.
Please send the currency correctly with each account currency I have shared.
Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name