Any smart anon have any opinion on the precision pre-dynastic vessels found in Egypt?
The Tiny Ancient Artifacts Changing History! Ancient Egyptian Hard Stone Vases - Huge Updates
t's time to revisit the ancient Egyptian Vase Scan Project - a lot has happened in 2024, and even more is planned for 2025. These tiny, ancient, amazing artifacts are changing history. Scans and analysis has shown some of them to be incredibly precise, meticulously, elegantly and mathematically designed, with that design being immaculately executed in ridiculously hard types of igneous rock.
My initial vase scan videos and the project has generated considerable response, and this video is meant to be a comprehensive overview of the project and topic so far, a response to some of the main criticisms of the work, and an update on what happened in 2024 - which included getting into museums to scan artifacts with impeccable provenance (spoiler, they're precise too!).
The most important discovery of our lifetime. There exists more precision in one of those vases than found in a Boeing 747. And they were machined over 12,000 years ago. Should be on the front page of every newspaper in the world. The big question is, why are they not?
He's a dummy. Way out of his lane.
TF is a gravity shield?
They are made from the hardest granite and they've survived 12,000 years. I imagine they have been dropped a few times.
That was a good one.
What do you call this kind of attack where the shills reply multiple times to every anon post? And why are they doing it?
I believe you may be correct about that. The tomb of Gilgamesh in Iraq comes to mind.
just about every day msm runs stories about "qanon" but seldom mention "qanon" during broadcasts. And NEVER mention QR in news articles or broadcasts.