Jumping Johosafat, weirdness ensues.
Jumping Johosafat, weirdness ensues.
Lotta house
Take a while to fill up 8000 square feet with toxic fume type chit
A 95 yr old can go any second, but she was only 63, no foul play? With the doggie?
Better off saying "pending investigation", saying no foul play only multiplies suspected fuckery.
Pedophilic CrapSnacker ShitScramble.
Go to Wally world and buy up all the burner phones
Biden and the progressive left and stupid fuckin DeepTrash hid the files of billionaire pedophiles, the left is gone, all policies and ideologies, all financial endeavors tethered to the Globalist Ethos are voided, assets and holdings ZERO.
Not enough, "Thought he was already dead" type situation, wife and dog weird water-cooler convo
The progressive politician, enforcers, media and stupid and retarded fuckin piece of shit, Alphabet DeepTrash didn't release the Epstein Files, ergo they ALL a bunch of Pedophilic Monsters and deserve the Absolute 24/7 365 Hell to beset them.
Total, complete and worldwide eradication of all Globalist Progressive organizations, political constructs, influence, finance and enforcement.