when is the bacon slide
orcas are the mexicans
of the ocean
neither black
shirley, you jest
that dont make no since
9:30am Florida time
I'd make 10 grand a day easy
not even bullshitting
is nothing but
experience plus education
I'm cool wid it
yes i will repost
Eight of the 100 intelligence officers fired by Tulsi Gabbard are now in military custody and may be sent to Camp Blaz, Guam, to stand trial for seditious conspiracy and violating the Espionage Act of 1917, a JAG source told Real Raw News, adding that the FBI arrested and whisked off an additional 16.
Yesterday morning, Gabbard terminated more than 100 people from several alphabet agencies for holding sexually explicit conversations in internal government chat rooms run by the National Security Agency (NSA). The graphic prose supported pro-LGBQT+ talking points and the “wonders” of genital mutilation; an un-leaked message, authored by a 37-year-old transexual male, graphically described how his surgeon had snipped his penis, transforming it into an artificial vagina. He also touted the benefits of estrogen therapy, for it gave him ample breasts and “made me feel like a woman.” Bragging that the government had paid for his transfiguration, he encouraged others in the chatroom to apply for gender reassignment surgery. Oddly—or maybe not so—his degenerate compatriots intimated they, too, entertained the idea of becoming a different sex and applauded his “awakening.” Unsurprisingly, these chatters spoke highly of Biden and Harris while admonishing President Trump, calling him an “enemy of freedom.”
Misusing government equipment to discuss sexual preferences and to air grievances are legitimate reasons for ending one’s employment, but they are incidental as to why eight former CIA and DNI employees now sit in JAG holding cells.
Although our source said he has no info on the debaucherously detestable individuals in FBI custody, or, for that matter, the 76 still at large and probably spreading transexual propaganda among society, he did reveal that five of the eight taken by the military are verified transexuals whose crimes eclipsed merely ragging on Trump and vociferously discussing their fetishes.
According to our source, Gabbard’s people discovered the perpetrators had embedded a cipher within the racy texts. Having decoded the cryptogram, her trustworthy analysts found phrases like “We are thousands strong. If we pool resources, we can undermine Trump and Vice President Musk,” “We’re the smart ones, Trump’s dumb. If we’re cautious, we can easily fuck him over,” “I know how to swing the mid-terms to our side,” “Let’s have him [Trump] murdered,” and “The pieces are in motion. We are legion.”
Our source said Gabbard hand-delivered the decrypted texts to President Trump, who unilaterally decided which entities would apprehend guilty parties.
“JAG and Army CID were given eight names, eight individuals to pick up based on the evidence. I’ve no clue about the FBI’s actions, but it seems like President Trump is splitting the workload,” our source said.
All eight offenders, he added, were arrested within 16 hours of the decryption and are currently at interrogation facilities in Pensacola and at CID’s Quantico headquarters.
If we get info on individual arrests, we will update this article.