Dubs replies to dubs. The kek is stronger than anon has seen in many moons. Perhabs it is a sign of habbenings.
Digits confirm OP newfag detection operating nominally.
I saw a Jordan Peterson video the other day in which he basically said the problem is Quebec and Ontario and kind of suggested they go their own way for the sake of Alberta and Saskatchewan who have all the resources and aren't complete faggots about everything. As long as they genuinely want to be North Montana I say welcome English-speaker of European descent. And remember to bring the Rush albums.
You shut your filthy hole about Nasim. She died for freedom of speech on the interwebs so you and I could enjoy this little research board. She is a martyr of the movement just like Sky King.
Kek. Ebil digits confirm you're a fag.
The founders knew what they were doing when they set up the War Department. They had a (relatively) strong and professional Navy and a small Regular Army that was there mostly to providing the training cadre and infrastructure to train Volunteer and later Draftee troops. If the US brought all land and air forces back to the States, it would probably save 100's of billions of dollars. Considering that most of the offensive combat manpower in the total force is made up of National Guard troops, Federal forces could be reduced. Throw in knowledge and merit-based retention of NCO's and officers and you'd get a better experienced, more lethal force that costs way less to sustain, and would concentrate that power in the homeland defending the States and policing the Territories which is it's Constitutionally mandated duty in the first place. Fuck all of these alliances that go one-way. We were warned against foreign entanglements.
Not a damn thing
As much as your imagination can hold.
Even normies love mysteries. However, NCSWIC is still in effect.
You know the rules.