canna find the cable usbc to u fuck me.
Got so many cables.
Anon asked the other day, how long u been here, crying about parents dying.
I apologise if that was the case .
Think it was a three letter agency btw.
So me, I have been here before the “start”
Was pol. 2016?
Trump getting elected.
The best prank that pol ever pulled off.
U have to love it.
When I could see the odds bookies were I think I managed to get 7-1 on trump loosing.
I managed to get a nice breitling from it.
Unfortunately bet failed next time round.
So yeh, I’ve been here.
Before Q
Maybe a selection process.
A few stringers have appeared after my posts.
Q did post in uk bread.
The info here the other day when the msg was we can’t email.
ffs, thanks. Now I realise what it is.
Device off again. As haven’t got the correct cable to back up offline.
Peace n love anons
Dog bless.
Crazy times anons Oscar’s, the worlds on show.
How starma doing