Quiet, little fraud. You'll never be me. After two years of you imitating me, what have you done other than do the very thing you were saying no one is allowed to do. You're nothing but a fraudulent deep state piece of shit that imitates someone so he doesn't feel like he's in second place. You're just not as good as you used to be anymore, simple legion. You clowns named me, tried to destroy me, and now you imitate me and try telling everyone you are me. I'm anonymous, but that doesn't mean I can't be recognized. You totally ignore other anons and focus solely on me. Just admit you like how I meme and post better than you're able to because the memes, copypastas, and personas you've abandoned on the battlefield to chase me around and try to take everything from one person you can implies such. Now let's let Anons decide who's the real deal and who's the deep state piece of shit running an imitation routine. If you're going to impersonate someone to try and deceive others, clown, it's best not to do it in front of the person you imitate. Kind of takes all the wind out of the sails of you blending in. So useless you even have to copy the words I use now, huh? You will never be me, simple legion. You will never hijack what I have done for your own glory. I'm a fuckin' steak and you're just Beyond Meat, and no one wants to eat the latter. No, you're just a second-place pile of hand-me-downs that wishes he was me. You failed, little failfag. You're only destroying yourself and your credibility with your imitation routine. This is a place about truth and you come here to lie and deceive. Thankfully I have the time to be here to call out your evil bullshit. I can't help but notice you're too chicken shit to engage. You're just not as good at what you do anymore. If you want to imitate me, fine, it's not destroying me, it's amplifying me. Yeah, his whole gimmick reposting every meme I make or post regularly, using the filenames I give my files, or reposting the theme of everything I post. Only thing is, simple legion, I post with sincerity. That's why you fail. The thing is, I'm not using a gimmick, I'm just being myself. He needs to copy me because I make him feel like he's in second place, he spent a year almost writing that when he'd show up to bake with his rainbow banner anime persona. He's just obsessed that his division narrative was made to look foolish and this is his petty retaliation that he honestly thought would work, but fizzled out and now he's the one seeking fame off the backs of others, trying to claim all the credit of their work. He can't make his own memes or come up with his own ideas so he just copies everything I do. Nice to know that evil nitwits are so fucked now that they imitate someone living below the poverty line while I just handle all their satanic shit like it's nothing. Picked the wrong anon to do this to, that's for damn sure. They can't destroy me, all they can do is imitate me, which leaves me to just keep on creating new shit while they just behave like parasites. Makes copypastas of what I say now. SP really did replace the merchant for that little fool. The little second-place shitface has been telling me I'm the one that's wrong and to blame for his fucktarded evil behavior. Behaves like a tranny, thinking all he has to do is just give the appearance of something and that he is that something then people will magically believe he is that something. Broken faggot is just a broken caricature of what he failed to destory. A little loser paid to imitate the person that made him look like a second-place idiot. Like I said, simple legion: You're just not as good as you used to be and are just going through the motions to cope. I haven't even hit my peak yet. Ooops, acidentally hit the reply button when moving the mouse. You most definitely are becoming more deranged, simple legion. You failed to destroy me so now you just imitate me while spouting deranged lunacy. You'll never be me, you're not even second-place anymore, Tranimae, you're last place. KEK. Both simple legion and the HRN namefagger. Both bake. Both jealous of a shitposter and want to destroy him. KEK! That MuhJoo narrative was precious to you, wasn't it, and having a global about it fucked your little skulls beyond repair. They still stick with finding their self-worth in the amount of (You)s they get, and imitating and posting about who they hate. They're going to lose everything and I hope that fills them with joy.
Thanks for keeping your dick out of your mouth.
Welcome newfag. Lurk more and post less.
Uh huh. You can find me at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
ARCHIVE if real!
>Global reported