Anonymous ID: 2decd6 Study Nazism July 24, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.2266960   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All history books commonly available are full of bullshit and propaganda.


The Greatest Story Never Told is on YT and approximates the truth.


The best materials are the writings of Mr. David Irving. He uses original sources - handwriting, not transcripts that have been edited.


I consider his work the closest to the truth that we will know about that period. Mr. Irving speaks FLUENT GERMAN, READS GERMAN including the German Gothic script. I speak German, but not nearly as well.


It IS important to read and understand what happened so we can hopefully NOT repeat it.


David is a good man and has been imprisoned for simply trying to tell the truth.


I will post again on Communism in a later bread.


There WAS an ugly side to the NSDAP, but it was not nearly as bad as you and I were told. Like David, I try to find original sources whenever I can. I study them and then I draw my own conclusions.


I will also post a thread on Political Zionism in a future bread. They planned up to 3 world wars for Greater Israel. You may download and read their writings: Theodor Hertzl.