Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.2266871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6893

>>2266497 (lb)

They have a higher IQ, but not enough of them around makes it so that there are more high IQ whites than jews, so the only reason for jewish over-representation in top professions is nepotism.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.2266957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6967


Lies have no place in the movement.

Be them about nazism or anything else.




Watch the first 16 minutes of this 4 hour documentary at speed 1.25 or 1.5… How could have we been so deceived…


This documentary provides verifiable proof that the holocaust official version is a lie, and proves that the Nuremberg Trials were a boneheaded fraud.


>For those that say that it is too long:

Well, you do not have to choose knowledge over ignorance about one of the most important historical facts that shaped a lot of our modern history.


And also, you can watch @ 1.5x or 2.0x speed to cut down the time commitment.


Make sure you archive this video offline too in case it gets censored.


Frenly reminder to everyone that I would gladly accept the fake official version of the holohoax if it was true and my life would be much easier if I could accept such a bullshit fraudulent perversion of the truth but decided it was immoral to defend such blatant lies that have destroyed our civilization…


Also take notice that the big fraud that is the holocaust results in the payment of 500 million euros to “survivors” coming from German tax payer’s pockets each and every year.


Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.2267050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7311


Only a moron or a shill would call the exposure of the fraud that is the lolocaust offcial version irrelevant.

Have more kike:


"The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"



Most people believe that roughly six million Jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II in an event generally referred to as the Holocaust or the Shoah. But how long have we been hearing about this six-million figure? The most widely understood answer is that the six-million figure was established after the Second World War during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.


Although it is true that the six-million figure was declared to be the indubitable truth at this tribunal, it is actually remarkably older. This documentary shows that the six-million figure dates back to the late 1800s, when Jewish pressure groups were targeting czarist Russia for its anti-Jewish stance, accusing Russia of oppressing and persecuting the six million Jews in Russia, and adopting a “solution” to its “Jewish question” which allegedly consisted of outright extermination. Claims that six million Jews in Europe were suffering to such a degree that millions had died already, while many more millions would face a lingering death, climaxed for the first time during fundraising campaign that started during the FIRST World War and reached its peak in the early and mid-1920s. The "New York Times" was the main vehicle for such propaganda, which also included well-known buzzwords such as “annihilation,” “extermination” and even the term “holocaust.” Although this sensational propaganda of Jewish suffering slowed down during the 1930s, it never completely ceased and received new momentum in the 1940s during the Second World War. As we all know today, this propaganda skyrocketed after Germany’s total defeat, as the victorious powers of the Second World War seized upon the opportunity to take advantage of such propaganda and to increase its scope and impact.


This documentary reveals a Jewish-Zionist propaganda pattern that has been used since the late 1800s, first against czarist Russia, then in favor of the Soviet Revolution, next against Nazi Germany, and finally and ever since in favor of Israel.


This presentation is based on Don Heddesheimer's book "The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure"

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:07 p.m. No.2267171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7323




0)Prove to the general public that communist jews have subverted both the democratic party (using the "progressive" political ideology) and the republican party (using the Trotskyite neocons).

0)Prove to the general public that jews control MSM, Hollywood, Porn, NXIVM.

1)Remove general public support of Israel and American-Israeli citizens presence in politics and judiciary system. (easiest)

2)RGPS of Jewish interest groups in the West (including synogogues and rabbis).

3)RGPS of Judaism.

4)RGPS of the fraudulent official version of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust. (Hollywood)

5)Offer solutions.


Ban every dual-citizen from political and judiciary cargos in the US. Pass a law that makes it illegal for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US. Pass another law that makes it illegal under the grounds of treason and make it punishable with death and total expropriation of all private proprty to try to make it legal again for dual-citizens to hold political and judiciary cargos in the US.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.2267201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7252 >>7335


Where are the nazi shills?

Is digging into nazism like Q sugested and coming up with your own interpretation of the data to become a nazi?

Watch this video and then tell me that Hitler didn't fought the same enemies we are fighting now.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.2267272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7281 >>7351 >>7546


>In the old mekel crumbs Q mentioned that the nazi ideology was remodeled as the NWO

Q never said such things.

Study nazism fool.



>Hitler was a puppet

You are stating that as an affirmation without any kind of source for it.

Q never made such a statement, what he did thou was ask some questions pertaining to Hitler. Lets have a look at them and then I will give you my view on the matter. We can find the drops by Qanon in this site:

By putting the search term “Hitler” on the search box, we find 3 crumbs. Lets focus on this part of the 1st crumb that references Hitler, the crumb number 142 dropped on Nov 12 2017:


What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?


Pic related 1.



>What happened during WWII?

-Among other things, Hitler tried to MGGA and jewish supremacists declared war on him via boycotts in 1933. Pic related 2.


-They used their international influence via boycotts to shaft Hitler into agreeing to get their little ME colony in Palestine (which was being planned since at least 1851, pics related 3 and 4 ) via Haavara Agreement (pic related 5), because Hitler didn't want the German economy to get more damage due to the boycotts.




Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2267281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301 >>7322 >>7351 >>7496 >>7546




>Was Hitler a puppet?


-In my opinion, if he was, he was an unwilling one, who got pushed into war because the jewish supremacists/zionists (Rothschild and company, including Theodor Herzl) wanted to create the Israel colony in Palestine and needed a WW2 and massive jewish prosecution (holocaust, real or faked) in order to sell the idea of moving to Israel to all the jews.



>Who was his handler?

-I have no idea, was there one? There are some that claim that Hitler took money from the Rothschild in exchange for having an aggressive foreign policy, (pic related 1). If that was the case, then I think we could call the Rothschild their handler, and also, if he indeed took money from the Rothschild, I think he took the money and then just jewed them and tried to MGGA as peacefully as possible (pic related here 2 ), which then lead the jewish supremacists to use their global influence in a manner that pushed Hilter into war, just like they wanted and needed.



>What was the purpose?

-Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket? Or the handler?


<<Of Hitler bringing the fight to the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket?

-To free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists, like we are doing today.


<<Or the handler?

-If we believe that Hitler took money from the Rotschild and thus consider the Rothschild to be Hitler’s handlers, then the creation of Israel was the main goal of the handler.



>What was the real purpose of the war?

-For the Rothschild, obviously to get their little ME colony named Israel.


-Hitler, from what I get from my research into him, WW2, WW1 and National Socialism was merely defending his people and trying to solve the issues as peacefully as he could, but jewish supremacists started the war against Germany with the boycotts and from there constantly used their international influence to nudge Germany into war.



I leave you now with a collection of quotes (one of which from JFK, who praises Hitler as one of the greatest men to ever live) in pic related 3.


I also suggest people read Hitler’s last statement in pic 4 and then watch this documentary on his biography and WW2:


So was Hitler a plant and a willing part of the jewish supremacist cabal against the West and all the goyim? I do not think so, given my research and analysis on the issue, although I am always open to a change of mind in the face of new data. At the end of the day, I do think Hitler was a great man who tried to free his people from the bondage of the jewish supremacists and their central banking racket, and if he was indeed a willing puppet, then shame on him. I am not a National Socialist nor do I think that National Socialism is the answer to our problems in this day and age, and if Hitler was indeed an honest to God opponent to the jewish supremacists and not a willing puppet (like I am inclined to believe he was not), then he was just another man fighting the same enemies we are fighting today, jewish supremacists and traitors of his nation.



Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.2267309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Study nazism fool.

>nazis were deep in the occult

Obongo and Hillary too. Does that make the US political system occult based?


They got the idea from the US. Verify.


You made 0 research into the topic you wish to discuss so listen to Q:


Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.2267344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7394


Those would be neo-Nazis, not National Socialists.

Also, speaking of brutal genocide, jews have been at it for a loooooong time, and use their control of media and govs to silence that truth.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.2267371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It goes both ways, jews have been lying about a lot of shit ad-nauseum for a long time. Especially the bullshit official version of the lolocaust.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.2267418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7473


If Trump and Q want to avert a civil war, this issue will have to be addressed. And there needs to come a time where the US admin will admit the jewish subversion as the threat it is, and that the official version of the lolocaust is a lie.

If they don't, they will NEVER be able to allow censorship to be removed without killing out the autists who know and WILL NOT be silenced regarding those truths.

They will have to decide, the truth, or kill those who tell it. And the truth is jewish impact in the Western world has been a clear net negative. Don't make all jews bad, but i HAVE NO MORE TOLERANCE FOR THEIR LIES.

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2267444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7493





A race (although many racial jews reject judaism);


A religion (although many religious jews are not racially jews).


From the book "When Victims Rule":


“Is the profoundly disproportionate social, cultural, economic, and political influence upon America and the western world by a small, largely ethnocentric, international minority group healthy for democracy? And is it healthy, ultimately, for the minority itself? ”


"Modern Jewish identity has become a collective aggression, a collective demand, a collective accusation, a collective insistence upon continued, never-ending reparation and further power. As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every story – but the non-Jewish side of history (in its interaction with Jews) is afforded absolutely no forum anywhere in popular culture."


"In the long term, endlessly one-sided “victim” assaults upon alleged oppressors are not healthy solutions to interethnic tensions. True resolvement, true health, is a dialogue, an exchange, and exploration of mutual prejudices (and the reasons for them), and a willingness to be drawn to sympathy for the others’ side – not merely consistent concession to one group’s accusation and demand."


"There are plenty of people of Jewish descent who do not support Israel, who are not wealthy slumlords, who are not racist, and who exhibit in all spheres the solidest of moral character. But where are they when the Collective Jewish Body speaks, acts, and oppresses in their name? If the Jewish community dictates a “community of fate” by bloodline, surely all those of even partial Jewish heritage have a stake in raising critical voices against the steamroller that claims them."


“The origin of this volume rests simply in a question posed about the state of Israel: "How can such an anti-democratic, ethnocentric, racist, and morally bankrupt socio-political system (Zionism) be so grossly misrepresented as a noble endeavor throughout modern America?" Originally conceived as a traditional book, and a scholarly one, it was soon clear that no publisher would ever be willing to produce so frank an investigation about it's subject matter. Above and beyond all other people, Jews, in western society, have been popularly configured to be beyond the pale of public criticism. And this censorship is zealously, militantly, enforced.”


“The title of this book is When Victims Rule. A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America. This refers to the popular notion that the Jewish people are historical victims, and victims only (never oppressors, never exploiters), always persecuted, and always scapegoats for irrational prejudice. People of Jewish heritage are irrefutably pre-eminent, and often dominant, in many crucial areas of American popular culture. The second part of the title refers to the paradoxical fact that Jews in America are quite the opposite of victims: this project explores the enormous Jewish representation in positions of power and influence in American (and western) society, which serves towards codifying Jewish and Zionist legend as fact. This investigation, analyzing traditional religious – and secular Zionist –Jewish identities, illustrates why this should be of serious concern to all Americans, including Jews. Continued denial of the facts of history by the Jewish community serves no one's best interest – in the LONG term, least of all their own. The facts of history cannot be denied, and dissimulated, forever. (Note: Israel Shahak, Israel Shamir, Alfred Lilienthal, John Sack, Norman Finkelstein, and a few others of Jewish heritage are among the scholarly inspirations for this project. These men's courageously honest works are trailblazers away from institutionalized Jewish hypocrisy. If they represented the norm in the Jewish community, there would be no reason to write this book).”

Anonymous ID: 972875 July 24, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2267524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're missing the point.

Yes, fuck antifa, don't take their bait.

But that does not mean that if Western politicians don't find a solution to the demographic destruction of their nations (like the jews always pushed for), the situation won't degenerate into a state of civil war, because it probably will in the medium/long term if that demographic issue is not solved. And you won't need no antifa for that to happen, just the FACTS and IMPLICATIONS of the demographic destruction of Western nations.