fake q post
q didnt post this
a evil bo did
listen up faggos
there are thousands of epstines across the globe in ever single fucking country
they are laughing at you
laughing that they get to contiunre their blackmail operation, their money makng macine whhle all you cry on here and on X
you wanted convcitons and arrest?
you got it, they slapped gislane on the wrist, sent her to "prison" and called it a day. "they' gave you what you wanted, now run along and go away, while they contiue their operations right in front of your eyes.
Maybe the real Epstein files were the friends we made along the way
I honestly grow weary of
bitching about everything as if she is THE MAGA spokesperson. If Trump cared what she thinks, she'd be working for him.
US Government:
"Let's give a select few jewish zionists access to the Epstein files knowing he was also a jewish zionist. This will greatly help the American people trust us!"
The US government is filled with retards and I say this as a former federal agent.
Tate brother’s close source reveals that the brothers said they planned to meet with "important people," without revealing who they might be.
Tate brothers have still not posted on their 𝕏 accounts for over 3 days
Sounds like they’re either planning something big or dealing with something behind the scenes. When the Tate brothers go silent, it usually means they’re setting up a major move
Like come on is that what they are telling us
Tate brothers have still not posted on their 𝕏 accounts for over 3 days>>22668498
pstein Binder Burning Party tonight at Old State Saloon!
Line dancing 6:30pm, karaoke at 9pm. All influencers to report with binders by 7pm prepared to report just how “transparent” the Trump admin is. —It’s simple: 1. Hide victim names / 2. Post all of it. All. Of. It.
Was anybody given an Epstein binder today that does not openly shill for Israel?
This is the story:
President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files.
The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi.
They did, about 200 pages.
Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.
THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her.
We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names.
These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.
Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.
The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull.
Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance.
The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!
You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.
And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed.
That’s the story.
CONservatve meda and "truthers influnecers" on x wil lmilk every ounce of this for clicks/views/money
wait till the diddy trial starts, EVERYONE wil make videos on youtube and rake in the cash
its all a distraction, an important distarction
if the govt really wanted to end child human smuggling/blackmail, they would have done so already
you need to understand that there are 1000s of epstines across the globe, currently operating while everyone is distracted by the epstine files
also i just wanted to say, none of this exist in real life. no one is going crazy for the epstine files, no one cafres. this is only a think on X and conspiercay forums
well it turns out the SDNY has all the files. there is a chain of hiarchy.
she requestsed files from the fbi
some swamp fbi are destryiing the files before kash came in
its not like she has everything easly accecable
she even sent a letter to kash saying there are a ton of file missing. so either kash is compromisded or roage fbi agents have been destrying files in defiance of kash/potus
there are levels to this.
it shows the public how corrupt the fbi is and they clearly are destroying evidence that protects them and their own. it justfites any action that Kash/Trump takes to clean out the agency.
the people are not stupid as the old guard thinks they are
you wanted convictions and arrest?
already done
gilsane maxwell has been convicted and is in prison.
"now run along, we gave you what you wanted" -deepstate