Keir Starmer: Landlord explains why he threw Labour Party leader out of his Bath pub
April 19 2021 during lockdowns
'He has consigned people to death by poverty, unemployment, despair and alcoholism'
The landlord of a Bath pub has explained why he told Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer to "get out" earlier today (Monday, April 19).
Rod Humphris, 54, who runs The Raven in Bath, said he thought the politician had "failed voters".
He met Sir Keir outside the pub on Queen Street and showed him a graph on a piece of paper, which the leader took from him and folded up.
The politician then made to enter the pub, angering the landlord who shouted, "get out of my pub" while being held back by a security guard.
Speaking afterwards, Rod said: "He walked straight past me into the pub. He assumed he was welcome and he wasn't, I was absolutely furious.
"What I was trying to get across was that, in my opinion, he has utterly failed us.
"He has failed to challenge the government. The average age of death from Covid is 82 years and three months. The average age of death normally is 81.
"What that tells us is that, when people get old, they die. The last time deaths were at the same rate, it was 2008, do you remember all of this then? No, because it didn't happen."
Mr Humprhis said he thought the Labour leader should have opposed lockdown, based on the evidence from other places "like Florida" which have not implemented widespread shutdowns.
He said: "Why isn't he asking these questions? He has just sat by and not challenged it.
Longer clip with more context. The shorter clip is an edited BBC clip.
Landlord challenged him outside the pub and then Kier Starmer tried to enter the pub.