I'm sorry guys. I think the released docs might be an L. We must prepare for epic disappointment.
its shit all of it
worst investigation release ever
if more than 50% of it is redacted it can all go to hell
the epstein stuff became a headache
what is it with nick and friendly fire? Why is he such an attentionwhore?
its not upside down it looks just the same wtf
How does gratitude work amongst the globo homos?
When you turn up the resolution to 4K on skyrim
The enemy is panicking more about this than we are kek
the wuz notin
no has burga
not sure if real..
>If you oppose the narrative you are doing disinfo!
>Plants telling you what information actually is and that ukraine actually had fair elections.
will it be a setup?
>lose weight
>dye hair
>get botox
>I cured aging
Why is this faggot spreading so much shit?
why isn't it just called northern usa?
"Peace is more dangerous than war"
The chronicles of Luciferian Globo Homo.
Most common factor:
Everyone on the epstein list hates trump
So what? I cannot have my thai papers anymore? How will I live in thailand to get my dick wet now? Fags.
schools suck
what do?
what do we think about the king