>Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
they really think we're stupid
it's smokescreen
>Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”
they really think we're stupid
it's smokescreen
>Yes. I can confirm this. AG Pam Bondi released what she had in her possession for the sake of transparency.
Bondi had this on her desk since she was confirmed. She's not stupid enough to think 200 pages of newspaper clipping, released flight logs, etc. was all there was.
A mysterious "whistleblower" told her otherwise at the last minute after she announced the release?
i call bullshit.
smoke and mirrors
entertaining,but smoke and mirrors.
perhaps to get the deep state to blow their wad…who knows