Anonymous ID: 41c01b Feb. 27, 2025, 4:52 p.m. No.22669615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9659 >>9780 >>9804 >>0015 >>0174 >>0276

Frenly Reminder!!!

DHS: "ICE arrested some of the worst of the worst. POTUS Trump and Secretary Noem are warning lawbreakers: do not come to America or we will hunt you down and deport you."

Homeland Security

@DHSgovICYMI: Yesterday, @ICEgov

arrested some of the worst of the worst. @POTUS Trump and @Sec_Noem are warning lawbreakers: do not come to America or we will hunt you down and deport you.

Anonymous ID: 41c01b Feb. 27, 2025, 6:15 p.m. No.22670087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0118

The Gold At Fort Knox Was Stolen From Americans


In recent days, President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Senator Rand Paul, and some others have pressed for an audit of the US gold reserves, with a special focus on the gold at Fort Knox. This is perfectly reasonable given that the US gold reserves - which are the property of the US Treasury and not the Federal Reserve - have not undergone even a partial audit in at least forty years.


Part of the reason for the audit is to discover if any of the gold has been stolen. The US Mint, the government agency that acts as custodian of the gold, has reported for many years that the official size of the gold reserve is 8,133.46 metric tons of gold. Since there has been no audit in so many decades, though, the Mint’s position is essentially “trust us, bro.” Trusting federal bureaucrats has never been a particularly wise policy, and this is why there are ongoing demands for some sort of transparent audit.


If the total size of the US’s gold holdings is revealed to be a number below the official number, then it will just be the latest reminder that there a great many thieves and incompetents among the people running the US federal government. After all, if there is less gold than reported in the US gold reserves, it was presumably stolen at some point.


This would be a fitting destiny for the US government’s gold since much of that was stolen to begin with. When I say “stolen,” I don’t even mean in the sense that “taxation is theft” and that the US bought the gold using tax dollars. In truth, the way the US Treasury acquired much of its gold hoard is even more underhanded than ordinary taxation.


Rather, it is likely that most of the gold at Fort Knox, as with the US regime’s gold in general, is gold stolen from ordinary Americans as a part of Franklin Roosevelt’s efforts to end the gold standard and confiscate private gold holdings in the United States. That is, the US gold reserves are a legacy of the way the US government reneged on its promises to redeem US dollars in gold. Rather than pay out the gold that was owed to holders of US dollars, the US government hoarded it instead. That stolen gold is what the auditors will be counting if the US government ever allows an honest accounting of the Treasury’s gold reserves.

Where Did the Gold at Fort Knox Come From?

Anonymous ID: 41c01b Feb. 27, 2025, 6:30 p.m. No.22670177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0257 >>0276

Unredacted Epstein Lists



For those of us who weren't invited to the White House and handed a binder, here is something better.


👍Full PDF of all 200+ pages:


👍Full PDF of Epstein "black book" UNREDACTED (the binder version has massive redactions):

Anonymous ID: 41c01b Feb. 27, 2025, 6:38 p.m. No.22670228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0247 >>0289 >>0302