The other bred was way better.
>Nothingburger! More to come!
The QR Bread Title Jinx (see last evening/this morning) predicted this.
Datefags come in many forms.
No biggie, send Stevie Miller over there to chat them up.
Yes, that shit burns, Anon.
Look u mfer, you better start virtue signalling the merits of The Plan right quick or anons are gonna start whipping out the So Why Are You Here? memes on your ass.
Member Mad Magazine's Spy Vs Spy?
Pretty sure that's what J6 was.
Not a single anon went.
There are no inside scoops from those sources.
Just the grifters.
Come on, babyfist, just use the backdoor like in 2022.
No need for the Fake Q foreplay just have the site admins install the special flashing neon namefag code.
I concur with the Anon above about the bad strategy part.
All the meme energy is pissed off internally not externally now.
Kash used to get drunk with @Q so he's kind of a big deal.
Damn, Bondi memes never had a chance to get off the ground.
>Oldfags, chime in.
Nigga they done gone over to the X-Twat at this point.
Only tarded shitpoasters are left.
Or, the @ name on OF would suffice.
>The plan is the plan and we're getting real fucking close.
The morphage from I pledge allegiance to The Plan to yeah it's not how I would have done it but I've got nowhere else to go was quite gradual but inevitable.
Ooops my bad with that OF request just a minute ago.
Dart, if you wanna zap that one that's cool.
Muh Black Box strikes again!
But, that said, in grifter world it was the invite that really mattered most.
Ain't that right Pozo?
Oh my.
Ha ha Vatty wherever you are right now.
You must have posted that drop one meeeeeelion times by now and still this anon somehow missed it.
No worries.
A QR Cheerleader specialist will be along shortly to explain how that's a good thing and to question your lack of flair.
CM, just make sure it has plenty of black box redactions if you expect it to be taken seriously.
The same congrescritters and their puppeteers that are in the Top Secret Double Probation Epstein files will be right alongside disappointed hardcore MAGA in their demands for Trump to do moar.
Wait wut?
Charlie Brown predicted this.
Just fucking type in AJ brainlet.
Good God you're lucky it's not QR 2018 and you barge in asking for that simple shit:
Now you'll prolly start getting those weird tranny pron ads for stuff AJ likes to watch.