Evenin' anons! So has the dripping intensified or was Epstein Phase 1 a bunch of bullshit?
So, SOON™ then?
Did Starmer get his ass anded to him?
I saw a pic that POTUS at least met him at the door unlike macaroon.
I think not.
I used to live in the UK.
Any Brit worth a shit would feel
exactly the same way.
Jew bobbies are part of the problem.
Sod off!
This seems interdasting, perhaps notable.
Ahhh. Cat Roca! Mmmm!
I don't know about the Epshtein files specifically but didn't Trump's EO for JFK, RFK and MLK specify a 60 day timeline to report back to POTUS?
I'm all about making the fuckers sweat!