Welp, hate to concernfag ya frens but Gowdy still undefeated until he's not once again.
Big assist from the QR It's Habbening! Jinx this time tho.
Welp, hate to concernfag ya frens but Gowdy still undefeated until he's not once again.
Big assist from the QR It's Habbening! Jinx this time tho.
What did /ourplant/ have to say about it?
>Mon AM QB
Yeah, I don't recall you espousing this theory in any of the It's Happening! breads yesterday.
Would have held a lot moar weight if you had.
The bonus is he's also baiting for a Why Are You Here? meme from one of the Board Karens questioning his fealty to the mission.
All around well played.
Not a good sign when even Parakeet doesn't bother to show up anymore.
Bad enough Pig quit.
At least Swordy's still here.
Oh well, nobody refarshes anyway so I'll just keep an eye out for the greenlinks.
Ok, so yesterday's bread titles looked like pic related.
Tomorrow's will be saying Lighting Fires To Smoke Them Out and Down Goes SDNY!
Today is a limbo day.
Come on, Anon, don't get in trouble for not refarshing frequently enough.
Greenlinks are bad news.
don't be a moran
How many posts did you make on TheStorm?
I think I only had 1 as it was here and gone so quick.
>t. the easily forgotten board
It's complicated.
First, it was Pozo that racked up the POTUS Yous every time QR was ragging on him.
Then, it appeared Loomer took the mantle from him in 2024.
But, now, today, Pozo gets the redactions on sterioids old news binder and Loomer left on the outside bitching about Pam's nothingburger rerun.
Does that mean they're no longer besties?
Or is it part of the Play.
I think it's a +1 for Loomer because at least she knew the release was shit.
Waiting to see who gets the next POTUS You for the answer.
Since the Cardinals suck now it's the only claim to fame STL has left.
Do you member that old vidya where she was coming on to some Chad at some paytriot get together thingy?
It was from before Q and was /pol/ viral for a time.
Man, she is one aggressive JAP when she's on the prowl.
Vatty, I could have made my own Pain Index in this bread if I wanted to.
I'm kind of a big deal now.
Well, even if you were right the QR Prediction Jinx would have kicked in and averted it.
Pfff, concernfags, the lot of ya.
It's a just a tarp!
Now I have a good idea how so many of these libs can afford Elon's cars.
The whole fucking economy is based on graft.
Odin was promised but it's gonna be bring back the ded instead.
Not sure where CM is going with this one.