Anonymous ID: add22c Feb. 27, 2025, 7:42 p.m. No.22670619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0838


Tranime quit.

Who else quit?


Seems Parakeet and Pig quit also according to this post.


When we fail the only people that suffer are real patriots because the DS gets embolden. That means more sabotages, gang stalking, toxic chemicals, harassment, humiliation, threats, and disgusting things done to my property. Here is an example of what these games do to us.


Q Team:


Remember, I am not anonymous to the DS and the 17 machete slashes, from long ago, on my front tree is proof. I told you about 10 days ago that my local social services is playing games and are going to trying to starve us. My recertification from last month is still not approved and they just keep playing games. The website gives no status, they told me my application was approved but when I asked for a receipt they stated that it was approved only by one person, to call back at end of month. Today was the cutoff and they still would not give me an answer, hung up on me twice after hours of waiting, and when I finally got in touch with an agent they said they do not work there but just consultants to answer the phone. I finally got out of them who my case worker is, which they would never allow me to speak to one. Not a coincidence that her name is Mrs. Hirt, which I am sure is mockery too. Most times the digit input for phone automation doesn't work, then when I call SNAP they only give me Spanish and ask if I want to cancel my card or get a balance, no future benefits available, and no way to speak with anyone anymore, nor English option. When asked for a call back number they gave me their own phone number and not from my calling number. I use to program voice xml and in reality, it proves to me that when I called earlier, their phone rang and they picked up but then they put me back to the main menu after an hour wait, with the options to start over. That means they put me into a endless loop into their own system so that it never picks up, because their goal is to expire my deadline so that we lose coverage. Last year it took 5 days to get approved from the day I submitted, and it was all reported online. Now the site doesn't give status updates, and nothing but the phone runaround. Please end this harassment for us by calling them and straightening them out or at least, with all these firings, assign me a job. Remember, I have sent out over 1 million resumes since 911, was told by my local DOL that they can't help me because the director there told me politely "you do know that this is a political position, right?" which means it is a "political targeting", and even the US Secretary of Labor, Scalise gave me a one week phone circle jerk, and when I heard him laughing his ass off in the background, I knew what I was going through was going to come for the rest of us, and put it all together that this China pandemic was going to be their genocide attempt, that they would riot against whites, and blacklisting/censorship was coming for even the POTUS. Been on the front line to long, it is time to help us, assign me one of those high paying DEI government jobs and straighten out these clowns. I hope they do not test my resolve, because I know the game, all the players, their tactics, and will do what is right and justified. You should know by now, I do not fear dying for a justified cause.