Anonymous ID: e75afc Feb. 27, 2025, 7:50 p.m. No.22670667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0753

Anon thinking, While the world watches the soap opera of their stars, waiting for sex scandals and proof and many want pictures and video to satisfy their hidden sexual obsessions, after it comes out, they are going to wonder why? who set this uup and for what end. That is where the TREASON and SEDITION come in, Me thinks while everyone is focusing on this criminal activity which has already been investigated and planned out, the other investigations which were going on with the puppet masters and treason and mass theft which I am sure has already been investigated and ready to be rolled out is being set up by those who do not leak. They show the depravity and then the why for it. I cannot wait until all these things come together from 3D to 4D and I hope they show us the Penaltys being delt out like with Sadam and his brothers. We need to see that, they need to see that. We show the control mechanism, the theft machine and the Puppet masters. Let's MAGA