Very interesting information. I don’t know all the details on her accuracy of the frequency levels within the bio layers. Terms and definitions she uses …. It does resonate however…. pun intended. Kek.
Humans are more powerful than she / most people realize. personally learned some time ago through others much more powerful than I am that you can shut down any connection inbound at any time. We are actually capable of reflecting, any frequency / viibrational signal coming inboound back to its origional source and even supercharge it, so it fucks it up the target on other end. Also can redirect inbound signal to other targets not necessarily origin. a lot of this has to do with proper grounding. Realizing how to reflect signals and intentionally redirecting.. think Of yourself, as a mirror capable of reflecting without draining energy. When Reflecting with enhancement or overcharge a signal, that can wear you down but with practice a person can balance by taking in energy from immediate surroundings.
When you redirect a charge, it takes a little practice. You also have to take great care because it can cause some damage. people can shit their pants.Kek it’s kind of funny, when it’s directed at the appropriate targets. Usually shuts down the signal immediately when being targeted. So we’re not just victims out here. Realizing your capabilities and Using your power for good and respectfully is key. It’s not a toy. But sure fun to play with … Can be quite draining when you get multiple signals coming in at high signal strength, so learning how to ground and properly reflect is a big skill to accomplish. Awareness of this ability does mean you will be tested or targeted more frequently. Don’t be a victim. You can always raise your vibration and reflect any energy signal inbound. That’s just how powerful humans are, but don’t realize it…. Mainly because it’s so hard to believe and comprehend but it’s part of our native capabilities from my experience. Recognizing others with abilities is quite easy and very cool experience..