Anonymous ID: 95bcf0 Feb. 28, 2025, 4:48 a.m. No.22672266   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2276



Attorney General Pam Bondi has said once again she will fight for the sanctity of marriage. Though Pam Bondi herself is working on her third strike at marriage. She assures us allowing gays to marry would destroy the sanctity of marriage. Rumors have been flying the past few weeks that Pam Bondi herself might be a Lesbian. Could this be? Could the woman fighting so diligently to keep so many happy gay couples unwed actually be a closeted lesbian? This would make sense to why a seemingly semi intelligent woman would close her eyes and ears to the people she represents. Her wardrobe would give a light hint of yes. I mean those sensible shoes, the horrible hair cut, and the make up skills of a Ebola monkey. They just scream certified card carrying member of the Home Depot Coalition. Is it possible she's doing a reverse Ann Heche? Is she acting? Pretending to be something she is not? Rumors over the last couple weeks have been flying around of Pam Bondi being seen several places with a close friend of the same sex. Who is this person? Sordid mistress or close colleague? question I for one want to know . I called the local republican party conveniently at 3730 beach Blvd. 904-396-4233 at first I was hung up on. my second call was transferred to a young woman and was told no comment. What lurks behind this veil of secrecy? Join me next week as I search into city council woman Kimberly Daniels politician or