Shut up
Q is a bunch of shadow niggers
I noticed niggers here and niggers there and a lot of other fucked up shit that remains fucked up. You are all fired.
I hate you and your stupid phases
Fuck off baker nigger
Your is unwanted fuck off
Fuck off
I hate you and your methods
Who the fuck are you asshole
I want to take a big shit on this board
Fuck your meme nigger
Bull shit story
Fuck your algorithm and fuckery. I hate you
You sound like a faggot
I hate all of you fame fag fucks and your stupid little families. Fuck your secrets and bullshit that we'll a citizen endure because of your choices. Like hey you can fuck off like the rest of our failed leaders.
Fuck you
If I was there I would throw water on you and the cat.
You don't need to telegraph your filters faggot
Fuck this band of anons
Get in your bunk you piece of shit
Filter yourself into the trash
Double fuck you for teasing ideas
You can fuck shit up. I can tell you to fuck off.
No one cares about rules. Fuck any authority you think you have.
That is why I hate you
Fuck you
You can agree with me but I still hate you
Fuck your passive aggressive question.
Your statement is false
No one cares about your shitty movie
Fuck your equating me to a stupid deaf bitch. I want fight you.
Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you
Fuck uou dad
I hate your style. You sound all fucked up like you know something don't. Fuck you shill
This board and the associated anons are fucking ogre niggers with shitty ogre DNA
Good I also don't give a fuck what you think. Your clan is subpar.
I hope you have a shitty nap. Fuck yo nap nigger
Fuck your song choice
How big are your tits?
Fuck you clown
Shut up failed leadership