What i will never forget, is that 9/11 could not have happened without sedition and treason INSIDE America.
Question for active duty and prior service from the past twenty years: Do youz still want accolades and reverence for 'brave courageous heroism' fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of opening the necks of shitbags INSIDE American 'government' that were the linchpin of 9/11 which was used to justify twenty years of useless war, death and trillions wasted (and the near-precipice destruction of American liberty)?
Juss Curious
Do military people, domestic LEOs and "First Responders" still want eternal accolades in Memoriam because of 9/11? All those who are STILL unable to break out of the mind-fuck after a quarter CENTURY, i DO NOT WANT such people having ANY influence upon my own life and i have nothanks to give Understand?