>'The time has come,' the Walrus said
"Koo koo kachoo," the Anon said.
She took no shit and none of the money seemed to go to her head. Heard she wrote a pretty good story too but I've only seen the movies her stuff is based on.
>I haven't read or seen anything she's done.
It's a pretty significant generational pop-culture milestone. What Harry Potter was to millennials is what Star Wars was to Gen-X. Same level of saturation and cool. I'd recommend giving the movies a go one week-end, they're well made. I'm thinking of one day going through the audiobooks, but if I do it'll be the ones with Fry as the narrator rather than Dale, but those'll be ones I listen to with someone rather than by myself.
There he is.
The phone screenshots from the gimmick make it all the more believable.
So many despairfags projecting.