Aiding and abetting the enemy is not Free Speech.
Here's the deal.
We let the Biden Adm. give you a bunch of money.
But it's time for paybacks.
Was this the Plan all along?
Jews think the World owes them everything.
They believe that they are entitled.
That they are God's Chosen People, and all non-Jews are their slaves, put on Earth to do their biding.
18 year olds in the military are given a fully automatic rifle to defend their Country.
It is ridiculous that they are not allowed to own a handgun to defend themselves and/or their family.
So what good is it to be able to own a handgun when a college "policy" can dictate that the gun must be left in your locked vehicle?
The "right to bear arms" should not be superseded by a policy that the "arms" are locked away where they cannot be easily accessed to defend oneself.
Moraine Valley Community College Concealed Carry Policy:
the sheetz
The clothing that he is wearing shows his disrespect for POTUS, the Oval Office, and the United States.
Does the man even own a suit & tie?