Anonymous ID: 027a48 Feb. 28, 2025, 3:58 p.m. No.22676892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926


Really? An entire byline about whether an apology is owed?

These are the kind of mind-numbing stupid distractions the MSM are noted for.

The story everyone missed happened yesterday or day before when Z got his parliament to pass a law stating that they will not require another presidential election. AND, they will not have another until the current war is ended.

Based on the RUS position that, since Z is not a legitimate leader, any peace treaty or peace treaty with his name on it will be unlawful and unenforceable. The RUS will not compromise on this.

THIS MEANS: if the parties that (currently) support Z want peace, then they will have to remove Z by some ‘other’ means than presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 027a48 Feb. 28, 2025, 4:19 p.m. No.22677054   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The UKR Parliament has unknowingly painted a target on their prez. Given that RUS will not deal with him, that means no peace until: a) they are totally defeated militarily, b) they or their Western sponsors decide the cost is too great and that they want a peace deal (requiring a change of leader). If UKR decides this, good. If the ‘sponsors’ have to be tge ones to decide to pull the plug, not good.

My preference for option a) is that RUS put a T-34 at the head of the victory column that drives into Kiev with a leading infantry regiment sporting shiny shovels. at shoulder arms. There should be washing machines too. Habn’t worked out the details.