>women's flyweight champ
classic boomer
nobody sexualizes a female quite like a boomer
is this is a good time to mention red text fail?
everyone knows it costs at least $100b more to beat Russia and anyone who doesn't support that is a …. actually don't even know what the MSM is calling people who don't support it, right wing peace extremists?
Was that Ron's notables website? If you refresh the page a bunch of times the ad might show up on the bottom
Watkins report or something like that, of that's what you mean
>musk isn't who we think he is
who do you think he is and who do you think anons think he is?
that Ford guy won his provincial governor election or something and says they will never be 51st state
they gotta run with it
that place is fukt kek
only dinosaurs and blue hairs hate him though because cnn says to
>There's nowhere to go, thx to the jew.
Israel must be a pretty white place then, by reasonable deduction