>The champ is here.
You were in last bread as Qp suckin' dick there too.
Are ya still winning?
>The champ is here.
You were in last bread as Qp suckin' dick there too.
Are ya still winning?
Go pound sand
Anon is thinking she keeps it pretty tidy
>Either way. Clean, trimmed, full. She's beautiful and the smell? I imagine is incredible. kek
Don't get me wrong Anon, no complaints any way you slice it!
>why did you Quit Pussy?
Hey Anon, are you missing a coma, or does your question stand as-is?
Eye-patch McCain
>Come here with your fucking ass in your hand and can't even bother to wear a suit to the Oval Office
Not to mention his hand out looking for $$$
Admiring ADULT women does not a pervert make, retard.
You, on the other hand, I understand had some kind of shenanigans with your underage niece.
That make you a pedophile.
Now fuck back off to your little corner, Mitch.