If you see this in real life you know you failed.
Using the original banner is respect to Q. Using another banner is Dis Respect. It is really that simple to me.
Both these fucks are DEAD
Take me to DandyLand !
I don't plan on taking any more of my time than expended. Jus wanted you kitchen staff all to know I see what you are doing by using another banner on the breads. Making it difficult to find the info and difficult to assist the team to win. Basically FUCKING OVER Q AND THE WORLD FUCKHEAD FAKE BAKERS. YOU THINK THIS SHIT IS A GAME.YOUR EVIL IS DEEPER AND BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE . I SEE THE FUTURE.
No just a normal due who lived thru it. Use the right banner and people can get the info it's all Im saying.
SO DOES OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE USE A DIFFERENT LOGO EVERYDAY? Does Starbucks change the sign out front daily . NO FUCKWAD. Think mirror glowstick
God Bless Q and The Mighty Anons.
real news
more real news
Q research talks about Fox news headlines
Best baker we ever had.
Hive Mind