The Pope has a big week upcoming.
There will be a big event one of these upcoming days to be a shocking part of the movie for Catholics and normies. And christians still The week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week. It's a time of reflection and devotion for Christians.
What does Holy Week include?
Palm Sunday: Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph
Spy Wednesday: Jesus is betrayed
Maundy Thursday: Jesus holds the Last Supper
Good Friday: Jesus is crucified
Holy Saturday: Jesus dies and descends into hell
Easter Sunday: Jesus is resurrected
Why is it called Holy Week?
The events of Holy Week are known as the "passion narratives" in the New Testament Gospels
The word "passion" comes from the Latin word passio, which means "suffering"
Holy Week is the final week of Lent, the Christian season of preparation for Easter
Other names for Holy Week
In Greek and Roman liturgical books, it's called the Great Week
In Eastern Christianity, it's called Great Week