Note it is always about give them money… they demand it constantly… you must worship them and their ideals or they say “worry,” “obey,” and send gang stalking human trafficking networks around trying to run you off the road or intimidate you in anyways… they have woman sexually harassing you because they can get away with it is the idea… this happened at my work mult times by them the message is this a dark project they can do anything they want to…
They need to do this to people
They seem to thrive on the idea that they can have groups of people back eachother up so then no one will say anything happens especially any harassment by woman… they are used to woman never being held accountable for anything and why they chose to use them in this way. For the dark project operations…
It is always at work and you just always do as they say or they will have your family killed is the message and no one will ever know and no one can do anything about it. They will get them all to go along with it but some are just mask and not who they say they are…