Here's your new 'free loader' moment
Go for it Kaja Kallas
We been waiting
Here's your new 'free loader' moment
Go for it Kaja Kallas
We been waiting
lots of ppl found out
yep more healing anf peace
The best part is how the military always remembered and recorded all deeds.
modern post arrt
thrice now
Interested in not getting in trouble from certain forward events?
send an email to Team Trump/Vance
No one operates
without an atmos
appreciates the lessons for all
If the Eu was any good
they wouldn't be
out in he cold.
Well now comes the calls and the pressure
Do you like being a part of NATO?
cause personally
we ain't paying ur ass no more
u owe so much
gonna call some of u
make a choice
What needs to ne done is find out who is greedy?
Pelosi example is prima
a laid out simple
explanation of how
regular govt workers can
acquire wealth fortuitously
staying ahead of speculators
would be nice
bitch cunt exceeded all
everyone should do
what hammer time
off beggars?
boy did the zionist get chosen wrong
Your up EU
your man says
he needs you to pay?
not Hungary or Italy
they are cool
Z is looking at you KS
SaVILLe's fkn saViour
go sVE him
gunna drive u thru from now til the end til u wake up
hereby all is
pure will
heresy is overrated
going to get u
How re the lovebirds going?
u missed it as norm
I would have shot him on the spot.
This is USA!
The news in EU little sombre that evening
.and nothing you do can about it
ur next
hahaha lol
massively aware of pushy groupies now
here is one for yopu
at one point our 'news' will ask why Russia got the shits.
finally puppe deliverss
pretty sure God wantas peace
If you respected each other areas
and evil whisperer's
we wouldn't be doing this
hahxlol thinky
This planet of people has had enough war
eat karma hard till u choke on it
extra special attention to dividers
its the ones with money that offer the most
but have the least value
killing is easy
growing is hard
Wow Hunter sure has been a good boy latelyโฆ
deals are being done
you should know
some of you make it
some of you no
now go and be the resistys
on the news
I dare you
deaTH has been before u were
side story>>22680262
that part where EU does a WHO!
pay urselve u important bitch
If the EU
doesn't want to
play nice
then no play for u
paper armies burn
u think your going to be saved?
with no effort on ur behalf?
trick q i Know
so convenient
:) u know how to count
god bless u
any other positives to ur existence?
benefits of freedom
what's a kike?
I b ur thing
ur still judgeD AS shit
this is the last place
to seek redemption
I will treat you
how u treat us.
โฆand who did you used to work for?
SDNY looking soft aTM
best elimanate Comeys daughter with facts
he chose him over you
fuck him
if you think you can
please do
k teletubbies
suck EU cock Z
ps: thz for expose yourself
saves time
u r so scared right now
go kys
do a hackman
lol kys is universal
some ppl will get paid to hunt you
I do it for free
no ur worth flushing
Like Zelensjy and his ffA call for support
shot down in flames
gl u cucks