When I was in High School the music teacher and Psychology teacher were married. It was known and thought of as romantic that The female Psych teacher was a student of the music teacher.
>When I was in High School we didn't have Psychology teachers, because, why the fuck would we?
It was my post, I graduated in '95 and the female eacher was ~ mid 40's no kids so She was groomed in the '70's when shit was a free for all. Looking back on it, what were they telling us? If the Psych teacher saw nothing wrong with it then it must be okay. Also I recently saw in the local paper that the high school was putting on a play with LGBT witches or something like that. WTF happened., It is nice seeing parents get on school boards to fight it . This all happened in MA with our Dyke Governor, The Puritans are rolling over in thier graves, they should have hung more witches.