>"strategic ambiguity needs to be reinstalled."
I find that statement odd. They need to reinstall their strategic ambiguity? Reinstall ambiguity, so it was at one time installed then? So they need the doubt and uncertainty back in their strategy? Smells to me of a lament about the normies waking up to the scam.
Too bad Jobs deliberately hamstrung the IIgs' clock speed so it wouldn't be a threat to the Macintosh.
All he had to do was put on a suit and say thank you. KEK. Makes his behavior yesterday look even more ridiculous when you realize that.
I'm somewhat of an expert in putting hands in girl's boxes. Still have all my fingers.
>"Stars" are failed people, who can not function in society without a script, and team of people to put them together and pull their strings.
Yeah nah. Not all of them are failed people. Not all of them need a script to function in society. And not all of them need a team to put them together.
Not in the slightest. You claim all of them are like that. That's obviously bullshit from just common sense. You're observation of that sample group is obviously flawed.
I never took personal offense at anything. I replied to obvious bullshit and 2 other ID's pile on with the original one I replied to. Kind of fucking obvious, isn't it, breadburner?
Nothing says the gimmick is genuine like having to IP hop to force visibility.
Ah, it's the little retard that spams homelander and whines about deletions and namefags as QpIsAPedo that's doing it. No wonder. Fucking loser.
I'm not acting though, I'm just being myself, shooting the shit as I would as if I was at a bar or came across someone on the street. Looking through a lens like you presented has kind of led to the current state of the world that's being unfucked. Try being real and genuine rather than putting on a performance, you authenticity could use some work.
Nominate all you want, you're still a failure.
Your bait is lame and I'm not contributing anymore to your obvious slide to pad the reply column of your paycheck. Later, clown.
Odd how Zelenskyy wore a suit when he spoke at the WEF but couldn't be bothered to change out of his trench monkey uniform when visiting the White House.
KEK. A Napoleon complex with a coke habit.
Pretty sad that clown bait involves bullshit and once it's responded to they drop the subject they were talking about and try to make the argument about yourself to try and put you on the defensive. Still following a fucking script.
Kind of looks like Fauci. KEK.
Got anymore passive-aggressive attempts at community organizing while namefagging, retard? You're not a shepherd, you're a snake. Clowns like you are a light snack before lunch.