ISIS is Egyptian
I. sraeli
S ecret
I ntelligence
S ervice
Their need for symbolism.
If you think you’re going to tell me what to do and that I’m going to listen, you might want to head back over to Mossad HQ and think again
ISIS is Egyptian
I. sraeli
S ecret
I ntelligence
S ervice
Their need for symbolism.
If you think you’re going to tell me what to do and that I’m going to listen, you might want to head back over to Mossad HQ and think again
If they’re traitors then they are not white hats.
You can catch a filter is what you can do.
Posobiec is a Mossad plant.
It is an Egyptian transgender god. Fuck off faggot
Slang from the pedos on 4chan before q started posting
Happy caturday is a notable? Is Disney baking the bread today?