I see he decided to go with his generic shit rather than go with imitating someone like he has for the past two years.
Hold my beerโฆ
Mummification doesn't happen within 9 or 10 days.
Can't believe Canadian MSM is floating the idea of banning POTUS Trump from attending the G7 in Alberta in June because he's a "convicted felon."
KEK. First words out of his mouth were, "Thank you very much." Ends it with with thanking again. Staged photo op for a sound bite to salvage the appearance of some dignity after the thrashing he took yesterday.
I wonder what shill job security is like these days. If they feel comfortable that they won't be fired or won't be caught.
I like how these style of shades are catching on again.
Fuck off, retard. You're a failure and a weakling and a little soy chucklefuck trying to control something that's not his to control. Go bitch about personality in the filter, you fuckin' joke.
One thing I like about posting on QResearch, anons keep improving and the shills just keep getting worse.
Absolutely mental clowns. They keep getting weaker, deranged, and desperate while anons just keep getting stronger, more hardened, and more determined as time goes on. Sucks to be them.