I see their are a lot of shills as usual, trying to make people that are really here researching look like liars…. As usual, you shills are the scum of the scumbags. You are the most retarded losers I have ever seen. Your bullshit didn't work years ago and as you have never been properly upgraded, those same stupid tactics still don't work. Suck a fat one you bunch of shill bots. I swear, you all will have a special place in hell, mark my words. Your stupidity and lack of complete awareness to ones own stupidity is fucking hilarious. So with that I say PLEASE SHILL SOME MORE FAGGOTS. I LOVE TO READ YOUR BULLSHIT, BECAUSE ITS AL FUCKING FUNNY AS FUCK! SUCK BALLS
Fuck right off and don't be mad I am just being real fuck face I shit the bread whenever I want to, you are just jelly lol fuck off I really don't care what the fuck anyone says to or about me, you are just being a fucking asshole anyways loser