Anonymous ID: 7be57d March 1, 2025, 11:14 a.m. No.22682141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

stimy checks for anons

There is approximately 1 oz of physical gold in the world for every single living person (about 8 billion ounces have been mined or verified in the ground).


Don't be stupid, when you get your check, buy physical gold, you will be able to get 1 oz and probably 3-4 1/10 oz bars. You will not have much time, as the price will skyrocket right before the FED rug pull. do not buy paper gold or allow someone else to custody it for you. if you don't hold it, all you have is a claim on it and if the holder goes bankrupt, you stand in line with ll the other creditors. I know poorfags could use that money for something pressing, but do yourself a favor and be in a position to benefit from the new monetary system.

Anonymous ID: 7be57d March 1, 2025, 11:20 a.m. No.22682181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379 >>2384


he ran a sting on the entire lot of them. He took down the NJ mob, washed his hands and set the NFL up with the UFL (this scene still to be played out). He also fucked Douche Bank, that is scene 4. He also managed to survive a hit on him when an old classmate showed up and took him to lunch before his help crashed in Manhattan. He did not avoid Vietnam with bone spurs, he was deep mil intel and still is to this day. CIA had their presidents, now Mil Intel has its. Game over fuckers.