second American Revolution underway
House of Hesse,
Eppstein Castlein the Taunus Mtns and
Battenbergs whom
whom married into
House of Windsors
Hessian Warriors mostly from Hesse-Kassel hired by Britain to fight in American Revolution,
Hitler puppet of UK
Bunker Eaglesnest in
Taunus Mtns and
Bunker Wehrwolf in Ukraine
Wars to shed blood
Kassel castle > eppstein
full circle
UK ran DC, still trying to run it, hopefully been defanged
vampire wehrwolf bunker eppstein island in the Americas
wake up!! ๐
all that stands between us and all of hell is Q Team
lara is a shill
just like dc draino
papi trumpo
cant think of her name, that gal that hates israel, and won the antisemitism award this year, hmm
they are in their places so that as soon they detect even the slightest drop in POTUS approval, they will turn on him, watch, and thus "inluence" many MAGA blind followers
you can tell a shill cuz theyre always dividing
al jazeera is a shill
Trump isnt taking sides, except with the fallen soldiers whos blood is being shed for the vampires and wehrwolves
Ukraine all owned and run by London
POTUS is overthrowing King Charles right now or already did, when he sat in the Winston Churchill chair, and remember UK flying the british flag upside down
the puppets of UK are the ones with strings cut right now and no direction, israel was severed from London rule, BB now rules and is rooting out the vampires, and rothschildes had no true power, just puppets of the throne
blood is their currency,
war is their game
money? they have too much
im not playing the game - its ok with me to just to watch Q Team run everything theyre GOOD
its biblical
soon the Groom returns
si, for sure
rothschildes is a puppet of the Throne
you think satan would put his ugly mug out there for all to see? he has puppets,
the picture is the signifier
he was put into power by SEMIRAMIS
semiramis is satan
its a woman
always was
she give birth to her son and asks us to worship him as the True Living God ALmighty
this will not stand
the True Heir is coming
buckle up
semiramis is not russia
the Throne has been stollen
Our Lady will defeat the whore of babylon with her bare foot
ahh, he will look so handsome, good on him, prodigal son returns for that beautiful feast PoTUS prepared
nah, not evn close
you guys think money rules the world?
you think satan craves money?
satan craves blood, she drinks it to keep her youth, wake up!!
you learn
i know this
who killed jfk?
who killed jfk jr and carolyn and her sister?
the ursupers
who pays the rothschildes?
its biblical, Q keeps telling us, duh
money is part of the trail, but money leads to a blood trail at the end
after putin captures kiev, the city of michael, then all will be revealed
the bio labs, the organ harvesting, the human slaves, the global traffickers
who did 911?
same ones who killed jfk
that faker, hes not jfk jr, not even close just a flynn psyop
alessandro, jfk jrs stepbrother, "died" in a plane crash,
tammy is faker too, dr tammy
flynn ran a psyops to dox Q
but you cant destroy energy, he thought he could destroy Q, stoopid
Elvira of course:
dearest Null:
i can run circles around you, try me
beep beep
5 posts
15 web pages
Russia's central bank, officially known as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the Bank of Russia, is currently run by Elvira Nabiullina. She has been the Governor of the Bank of Russia since June 2013, appointed by President Vladimir Putin. As of March 1, 2025, she continues to serve in this role, having been reappointed for a third five-year term in 2022, which extends her tenure until at least June 2027. Nabiullina oversees the bank's operations, including monetary policy, financial regulation, and currency issuance, leading a Board of Directors that comprises 14 members alongside herself.
PUTIN kicked the english vampire puppets out
thats when he first caught my attention
i think SEMIRAMIS lives in America
We dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig
In our mine the whole day through
To dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig, dig
Is what we like to do
suit of cards
make coca leaves legal and give miguel the farm
dig dig dig dig
we are watching a game of cards!!
come back with a suit
house of cards
P = phillip
a mountbatten of course
POTUS hinting to zelenskyy shoulda wore the suit, so thats what zelnskyy doing right now, bringing the suit to POTUS, hes got the King for us, and the Queen, he stopped and got the Jack (starmer)
bring the King Queen Jack and the whole suit with him as uk-reign is the british throne basically
zelenskyy showing us the british suit
a comment posted 4 years ago:
Buck palace is being corona cleaned ( us forensic team )
No wonder P Diana tried to get out of that family.
S' ck ยฐ $
yes, pawn to Queen
end game, two white Queens on the board?
Capablanca translates to "white coat"
two black queens i mean as Capablanca was playing the black
wrong game was in 1921 โฆ
pawn to queen:
Game 5 (March 28, 1921) โ Capablanca as White
Opening: Queenโs Gambit Declined (D64)
Result: Capablanca won after 43 moves.
Endgame: The game reached a rook-and-pawn endgame. By move 35, Capablanca had pawns on a2, b2, c5, f4, and h4, while Lasker had pawns on a6, b6, f7, and h5. Capablancaโs c-pawn was a passed pawn on c6 by move 41.
Key Moment: After 41. Rb1 Ra8 42. c7 Kf6 43. Rb8, Lasker resigned. The c-pawn was one square from promotion (c7 to c8), and Laskerโs rook couldnโt stop it without losing material (e.g., 43โฆRxb8 44. cxb8=Q). Capablanca would have promoted the c-pawn to a queen on the next move, but the game ended before the promotion occurred.
Verdict: No actual pawn-to-queen move was played; the threat of promotion forced resignation.