Kek. Same faggot ass memes from [MOS]. You'd think they'd spend some shekels on new material by now, from all the ill-gotten gains they've kvetched off the west since 1948.
>I'm not Jewish
>I am not pro-Jew
>I am certainly not Mossad.
Which isexactlywhat an asset would say, when outed, but I digress.
>And the fact you make those categorical assertions with no evidence simply proves the worth of everything else you post.
That's called a pilpul, Moishe.
Since you want to get called out, why on earth would you poast that gay ass meme in response to "America needs independence from Israel?" I'm curious to see your response.
>That's exactly what I would expect a CIA plant, with a room temperature IQ, following a script to say.
No, faggot. I asked you a question. Why would you poast that gay ass meme in response to "American needs independence from Israel?" Are you saying that Jews aren't blackmailing and bribing American Politicians?
Christ, your projection is disgusting. It's no wonder people like (((you))) are despised across the world. It's due to your own behaviors.
>Fuck You.
Thanks for proving my point, Shmuley!
>You are here incessantly spewing anti-jewish bile EVERY bread for the past seven years.
Except I haven't. I merely asked you a question.
>You present no evidence.
It wasn't required. I asked you a simple question. One you've refused to answer twice now.
>You use classic disinformation tactics, seeking emotional over intellectual responses, attcking any dissent
Pot calling kettle with your faggot ass meme.
Indeed, my fellow White personโข. (vidrel)
>then you can seethe and dilate together
Hardly, Shlomo. I asked a simple question they refused to answer. You had to come in and deflect, 'cos your cubiclemate was getting their ass handed to them. We know who runs the board.
Funny how Bird Fluโข only affected chickens, but not ducks, geese, pidgeons, hawks, eagles, bluejays, cardinals, etc.
The Jews?
>Who armed the Jews with the weapons to attack Palestine in 1948?
That would have been the Rothschilds through their blackmailed proxies in the West.
>fed reserve and irs are just arms of buckingham palace
>Palestine was not a country in 1948.
Kek. True. Seems it was one as far back as 1881, per our own Library of Congress, Moishe.
Don't hate. You're the one who wanted to play faggot, not me.