So far, filtered 2 different porn shills, and 2 more gore shills. They are tag teaming
I remember a few months ago on Reddit subreddit of Great Awakening there were 2k people online at any given time. Now its usually between 10k-14k people. LOTS of people waking up
Im at 5 ID's filtered already in this bread. Black / porn / gore shills only
Was DOJ #3. She "resigned"
click arrow in top left of a post, then "Add filter", then "ID"
Same here, its annoying, Ive filtered a black/porn/gore shill 7 different times and still get more
The board should be catching them as flood. Sometimes I try and post the same meme forgetting it was posted earlier in breadโฆ. board catches it every single time even if i change the name of the file
Shilling is off the fucking charts
I love how it references Lynch harassing the Uranium One informant
Are Rothschilds the leaders of the Khazarian Mafia?
Lol right. These idiots are making me miss Muh Dick shill
He does the throw up posts too?
No, activates automatically. It shouldve made the post disappear that you used to filter the ID