“Have you seen leather products made from human skin?"
“It has a very unusual, distinctive look.
“I learned at a very young age to identify it.”
And if you mess up and need to re-configure filters, go here.
Absolutely. When a court has clearly demonstrated its contempt for The Constitution, The People have the right to disband that court.
Yes. Federal decisions impact all states. Though, I'd hold off on walking down the street in COMMIEFORNIA, open carry. Arrest does not equal breaking the law.
In addition, I would imagine CA going for state open-carry registration.
"In a piece for Hard Copy, Diane Dimond—a journalist who would spend the next 15 years trying to prove Jackson was a pedophile—ran a story stating, "And one more shocker, Hard Copy has obtained new documents in the criminal investigation of Michael Jackson, and they are chilling; they contain the name of child movie actor Macaulay Culkin".