He started talking 30 years ago.
Had a presser saying there was a cabal controlling actors and singers and their bankrolls.
He was found on floor in mud room of kitchen with sunglasses nearby…obviously he felt like going outside or was outside.
She was found in bathroom with a bottle of prescription high blood pressure/heart pills…..no pills were found on floor, but possibly some spilled on sink counter?
Dog was found in a crate in the same bathroom that she was in.
The time of his death was determined from last recorded activity on his pacemaker…he must have had an old pacemaker which did not transmit data to a heart monitor person who would have been notified activity had stopped.
The only pills taken from house were heart, thyroid, blood pressure pills…nothing known for using in self-death
Front door found unlocked.
Back door found slightly ajar? Did he just come in from outside?
Look decades back for a verbal agreement
Start here
Kansas going after Pfizer
Having you ever driven in New Mexico.
You can travel 8 hours at 80mph and never see a person
So, yes, 41 miles away can be a neighbor.
But I think it was 29 miles away.
In wide open country, stores and neighbors are hours away, not down the street.
The main puppets are Jews.
Not all Jews are in deep state and puppets, but most of deep state is Jewish.
I am not slandering Jews.
Most people in the mafia are Italian
Most people in cabal are Jewish.
It’s how things are.
Jesus told the Jewish leaders that they had a different father than he.
Did he slander the Jews?
Remember their war cry: “ AS LONG AS IT TAKES’.
They never wanted peace. Period.
Starmer tells Z today ‘for as long as it takes”/
It was out of his mouth before he realized he should not have said it.
Good luck EU patriots…enjoy the front line!