Loneliness is destroying America and it drives homelessness, mental illness and drug and drug/alcohol addiction.
How is QR different than a secret society? Is QR a response to secret societies?.
Death is better than life.
"Liberal" has lost its meaning. Right v Left paradigm has been crashed.
Creation is evil. The universe is ruthless and wants you to die.
How so? Please expand.
Mexican have a lot more people living in a home and share the rent. Not lonely. Americans live alone and so the rent is half of their income or more in some cases.
>If you have some kind of stupid definition
How did I know I couldn't hold dialog online with an anon without being called stupid? Go figure. Won't waste any more time with you.
>If here in the US, how many of the Mexicans get SNAP benefits
Probably a lot. But not even a drop in the bucket to what the corrupt politicians and NGAs are getting. But let's get mad at the poor peoplel
Loneliness kills
Would you rather be popular with lots of friends and approval?
Or a lonely loser shunned by all?
>So Mexicans are the only poor people that deserve anything huh? Is that what you are saying?
Nope. Not even close. What is wrong with people here?
>I didn't call you stupid, I called your likely definition of right and/or left stupid. NOW I'm calling you stupid, and a faggot.
I think you may have self esteem issues anon. I hope you have a better day.
Not going to argue that point. But it was worse when there was no political incentive to vote against the establishment.
I'm sick. My heart is broken. I am having a hard time. I don't think I'm going to make it. I am happy that others are happy though. I used to be happy. A long time ago. I had a lot of fun. I cannot even imagine being happy again.
There must be found a way to empower the people over the government. But I don't see that ever happening as the "Left" worships government and the "Right" cannot comprehend that the blue line gangsters are the military arm of the government tyrants. It's a conundrum.
Is Yahweh a demon?
Can't read too well. Just watched a great video interview of him the other day though
Can't think of anything better right now than a good old fashioned Q drop. Even just a crumb. Don't know why. Cannot figure it out, but the establishment is scared as hell of Q and QR,
Well anons. Not sure how they got this board rigged but I have had some great interactions with some of you on this bread and I know the next bread will be less forgiving. So thank you to those who interacted with me. It means a great deal. o7.