45-47 has government and agencies on lockdown. If we don’t see it, it’s because he doesn’t want us to see it. Why would that be.
45-47 has government and agencies on lockdown. If we don’t see it, it’s because he doesn’t want us to see it. Why would that be.
Should be struck from vocabulary. Burn it the fuck down. Arrest or shoot the traitors on site. Declassify and release everything, let the cookie fucking crumble and then maybe just maybe the government can save face. I did not consent to being governed by anything or anyone aside from God and even that seems more like a ploy to passify the masses but I’ll take my chances.
Fuck images, I just want to live in a world where baby eaters get brought to justice. You have stated your opinion but guess what we all have one. At the end of the day actions are what give merit and all in seeing and reading is nothing but fluff.