Cyprus owned by Brits / DEI / elensky cursed Keir Starmer
They still have BASES there.
Not addressing Argentina.
Cyprus owned by Brits / DEI / elensky cursed Keir Starmer
They still have BASES there.
Not addressing Argentina.
I see, Australia is made out of PARTICLE BOARD and Chinese graffiti
I've also noticed the better HD Camera technology gets, the more GRAINY the UFO videos get.
I dunno. I've seen a single 1/2" CCD do better than 3 CCD.
There is no UFO's. that shit is FLAT EARTH bullshit.
I know what kind of SUIT Elensky needs.
I dunno, some live fire simEx bullshit.
>>22684940 lb
>i discovered this around age 10 when the zapruder film was first shown on tv.
You do know the film was doctored, right? They covered the blood pattern to mislead the true origin of the bullet before releasing the tape.
THE SUN NEVER LIES: simple way to expose the ZAPRUDER 27second-long clip as fake/doctored
There' a very simple way to expose the ZAPRUDER 27second-long clip as fake/doctored:
As the clip starts, we have this frame:
We then have this frame:
By the end of the ZAPRUDER clip, we have this frame - showing a (very oddly-shaped) RUNNING MAN:
Here's from another version of the ZAPRUDER film:
Then there are a few frames showing a falling man - in the backdrop:
A mere couple of frames later (at superspeed) he appears to be back up - crouching with his left leg firmly in control ! Wow!
Nonetheless, I rate the ZAPRUDER clip as a PsyOp masterpiece. It may be compared to a rock band's early iconic hit, an unsurpassable gem of inspiration (on the part of its plotters)… It certainly has achieved its intended purpose - to generate a zillion different theories for almost five decades - in such way upholding the myth of the disapperance of JFK as a baffling, irresolvable enigma. However, the chosen day and month for its occurence (22/11) is quite frankly all I need to know what sort of folks are behind it. I'm not into coincidence-theories.
You are sheep, they don't fear you.
Airbrush moon photos, red tint mars photos.
Stay in your farm, keep your head down, eat your grass and stop asking questions only slave owners can ask.
Zapruder film likely altered to hide true nature of Kennedy's wounds, indications of multiple shooters
Most Americans don't know anything about the two significant events involving the famous Zapruder film of President Kennedy's Assassination that took place back-to-back, on successive nights, at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) - in Washington, D.C. - on the weekend immediately following JFK's assassination. But anyone evenly remotely interested in what is perhaps the key piece of film evidence in the Kennedy assassination - what for decades was viewed as the "bedrock evidence" in the case, the "closest thing to ground truth" - needs to become acquainted with what happened to Abraham Zapruder's home movie of JFK's assassination during the three days immediately following President Kennedy's death. Why? Because the hottest debate raging within the JFK research community for the past several years is about whether the Zapruder film in the National Archives is an authentic film from which sound, scientific conclusions regarding JFK's assassination can be divined, or whether it is an altered film indicative of a government cover-up, which yields tainted and suspect information, and leads us to false conclusions, about what happened in Dealey Plaza. The resolution of this debate hinges on the answers to two essential questions: First, is the film's chain of custody immediately after the assassination what it has been purported to be for many years, or is it, in reality, quite different? Second, are there visual indications within the film's imagery which prove it has been tampered with, i.e., altered? If the film's chain of custody has been misrepresented for decades, and if the opportunity and means existed that weekend to alter the film, then suspect imagery within the film takes on a crucial new level of importance, and is not simply of academic interest.
This paper will first, and primarily, address questions about the chain of custody of the Zapruder film immediately following President Kennedy's assassination, for new scholarship teaches us that the actual chain of custody of Abraham Zapruder's home movie, from November 23rd-25th, 1963, is not anything close to what it was represented to be for years, and in fact indicates an extremely high level of interest in Abraham Zapruder's home movie by the U.S. government during the three days immediately following President Kennedy's assassination in Dallas on Friday, November 22, 1963. The relatively new chain of custody evidence presented here will not only prove that the camera original Zapruder film was in the custody of the CIA and Secret Service - not LIFE magazine - from late Saturday evening through Monday morning that weekend, but is of such a provocative nature that it strongly suggests - indeed, virtually proves - the original film was altered that weekend, prior to the publication of any of the film's frames in LIFE magazine, and prior to its use by the Warren Commission. After the startling new facts about the Zapruder film's actual chain of custody are thoroughly explored, I will summarize briefly some of the key evidence indicating that the film's imagery has been altered.
>Don’t get too wrapped up in the programming.
I know what you mean. But, you do know your DNA is wrapped up in programming, right?
Your DNA has functions, comments, error correction..
DNA seen through the eyes of a coder (or, If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail)
Dead code, bloat, comments (‘Junk DNA’)==
From genes to proteins.
The genome is littered with old copies of genes and experiments that went wrong somewhere in the recent past - say, the last half a million years. This code is there but inactive. These are called the ‘pseudo genes’.
Furthermore, 97% of your DNA is commented out. DNA is linear and read from start to end. The parts that should not be decoded are marked very clearly, much like C comments. The 3% that is used directly form the so called ’exons’. The comments, that come ‘in-between’ are called ‘introns’.
These comments are fascinating in their own right. Like C comments they have a start marker, like /, and a stop marker, like /. But they have some more structure. Remember that DNA is like a tape - the comments need to be snipped out physically! The start of a comment is almost always indicated by the letters ‘GT’, which thus corresponds to /, the end is signaled by ‘AG’, which is then like /.
However because of the snipping, some glue is needed to connect the code before the comment to the code after, which makes the comments more like html comments, which are longer: ‘<!–’ signifies the start, ‘–>’ the end.
true, then you have autism, which may score very low on IQ tests written in specific format, but can be complete genius in some areas
Some say the DNA comments even contains signature or words from the "creator". And they claimed the vax changed the signature, the vaxxed people have new creator/owners.
Could be true, the amount of swearing from Microsoft's leaked source code was fun to read.
Some say the DNA comments even contains signature or words from the "creator". And they claimed the vax changed the signature, the vaxxed people have new creator/owners.
Could be true, the amount of swearing from Microsoft's leaked source code was fun to read.
One tip to neg anons:
Make the decision to have authority over your own mind.
It's not about one thought or decision, it's about habits.
Change your mind, then your environment, then your habit, and you'll change your outcome.
You're being negative because you're mind created the environment which created the habit which keep you in negativity.
Remove, overwrite.
A leaked pentagon video about the VMAT2 God gene deletion via vaccine called funvax
A leaked pentagon video about the VMAT2 God gene deletion via vaccine called funvax. In which there’s a vaccine used against the spiritual part of the brain. Perhaps kill the conscience. Some from the military said that after receiving this vaccine, they couldn’t feel God anymore. This also needs to be looked into along with mkultra. Some are experiencing this even without the bioweapon shot but are experiencing the same like symptoms from the shedding or transfection from the vaccinated and experiencing the spiritual part of the brain being under attack.
Removing the God Gene - Anti-Christ Vaccines - Bill Gates›618207916
Duration 3:06
This is "Removing the God Gene - Anti-Christ Vaccines - Bill Gates" by Wayne L Price Tribulation Saints on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and…
Look, if a chick keep choosing bad boys, then she likes bad boys.
If Trump keep choosing small hats, then he likes small hats.
Random tip, video drivers are backdoored
If you use Nvidia graphics card, use nvcleanstall to remove telemetry from the driver before installing it:
Now you, too, can disable Intel ME ‘backdoor’ thanks to the NSA
GitHub - corna/me_cleaner: Tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME
A team of researchers from Positive Technologies discovered an undocumented configuration setting, designed for use by government agencies, to disable Intel Management Engine 11. Now you too can partake in this government privilege to inactivate Intel’s proprietary CPU master controller.
Intel ME background
Since 2008, Intel’s chipsets have contained a separate always-on Management Engine computer that could not be disabled. The EFF described Intel ME as a “largely undocumented master controller for your CPU: it works with system firmware during boot and has direct access to system memory, the screen, keyboard and network.”
Back in June 2016, hardware hacker Damien Zammit warned, “Recent Intel x86 processors implement a secret, powerful control mechanism that runs on a separate chip that no one is allowed to audit or examine. When these are eventually compromised, they’ll expose all affected systems to nearly unkillable, undetectable rootkit attacks.”
Despite many people with x86 computers trying, no one could disable ME. The closest successful attempt was likely the me-cleaner project.
The purpose of ME, according to Intel, is to allow businesses to remotely manage computers via Active Management Technology (AMT). Yet plenty of experts have called ME a very powerful backdoor, an idea that picked up steam after a critical vulnerability was revealed in May.
now the cpu backdoor is wifi connected, they just need to hack your phone to hack your computer
Based on what I have recently seen with the lack of knowledge in a foreign government it appears to me that at least some governments get all their intelligence updates from Wired Magazine and Apple. Come on now people, if your work is important, even for a company, LEAVE YOUR ANDROID AND APPLE PHONES IN A SLOT NEAR THE DOOR, AND I MEAN EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SLOT AND FORBID ALL SUCH DEVICES ANYWHERE THAT MATTERS AND DO ALL EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS WITH LAND LINES AND IMMEDIATELY FIRE ANYONE STUPID ENOUGH TO PHOTOGRAPH OR TRANSLATE A SENSITIVE DOCUMENT WITH A CELL PHONE.. FFS. did I ever get an eye opener recently, some countries leave their butts hanging an inch above the shark tank. That's a perfect way to lose EVERYTHING.
And by the way, every INTEL processor made since sandy bridge in 2011 has a permanent NSA back door x 1000
All Intel processors made in the last 14 years cannot be secured no matter what you do. This is because ever since Sandy Bridge every processor made by Intel has 2 processors on the die, one for you, and one for the NSA. The one for the NSA has it's own memory right on the main CPU die and the processor itself is approximately as powerful as a 486 DX266. That does not sound like a lot, but when it comes to data rape, it's just perfect .This processor runs a variant of Unix called MINIX which adds an extrordinary level of efficiency that helps it work within it's limits.
Intel allowed people access to this processor with "Core Vpro" as the name for administration and "updates" while the computers were turned off for the night, the second processor never sleeps so it can always be called on to install new software and update the computers OR STEAL YOUR DATA. What administrators don't know is that the NSA has about 1,000 different back door access points that are approximately as secure as SHA256. No administrator would ever be aware that those back doors are there, I don't know of any successful attempts by ordinary people to find one. But the NSA just goes right in . . . .
And what about Microsoft? You had better not be using Microsoft for ANYTHING secure, those "updates" are not for you, curious it is that they are always a gig plus, what on earth could Microsoft possibly need to constantly do "updates" that big for? The NSA, that's what. Every document, everything done with the computer goes straight out during an "update", and after the update, nothing perceptible changes (usually) because that update was NOT to make your system better. So what operating system DOES give the NSA difficulty?
LINUX IS THE ANSWER. Knoppix 5.1 running live off CD with a drive that has the burning laser disabled. And I strongly suggest using only old pre 2010 AMD processors for ALL SENSITIVE DATA because in addition to the back doors many Intel processors also feature full time cell phone uplink that works full time, forever, ABSOLUTELY FREE. The reason origially given for that is if your computer got stolen you could wipe it out, you know, like this: